Marketing Analytics Software Improvement with AI Algorithms

The Mbicycle dedicated team improved the client’s marketing analytics software by implementing up-to-date NFC and AI-based features into their current web analytics platform to enhance its functionality.

Client & Context

In this project, Mbicycle cooperated with a company that attends marketing research in the US market. They designed smart equipment for retailers to gather data on the sales of specific products along with the buyers’ behavior. To collect and process this data, our client has also developed a specific web platform that displays data collected by their equipment. This data can be sorted, filtered, and visualized in graphics and charts.

Our company was initially interested in joining this project as we saw the potential of this service. We contacted the client’s representative directly and arranged the meeting. After we discussed our vision of the project’s further development, the client asked us to compile a well-knitted team of experts from Mbicycle to develop and implement new AI-based functionality for their marketing analytics software.

Challenges & Requirements

The main requirement was to develop from scratch a few up-to-date features based on AI algorithms to process QR codes and NFC tags, gather and analyze accurate data about customers, their behaviour and preferences. This new functionality had to fit into the client’s current system for collecting marketing data via various channels and sources. Therefore, our custom development specialists were required to create AI-powered functionality for gathering and processing data, as well as design a web administrative panel to manage this data.

Since we joined an already operating project to enhance it with additional up-to-date features, we needed to study the core infrastructure of this analytics platform. We were required to implement our new functionality keeping all the settings of the current platform. So, one of the challenges for our team was to develop an administrative web panel following the UI of all already existing management panels.


We at Mbicycle believe that an effective Discovery Phase involves collaboration with various stakeholders and subject matter experts, ensuring all aspects of the improvement are well-understood and meticulously planned. An effectively conducted Discovery Phase leads to a clear roadmap and a well-calculated estimation. We started this project by launching a Discovery Phase for the client to implement all the project features properly. We divided this phase into several following stages:

  • Initial Assessment and Planning: Our team conducts an in-depth review of the current client’s software, including its functionalities, strengths, and weaknesses. This helped us in setting clear objectives and defining the scope for further improvement.
  • Requirements Gathering: Engaging with stakeholders, users, and current software matter experts to gather their input, understand pain points, and define the critical features needed in the improved software.
  • Resource Estimation: Calculating the resources, time, and costs required for implementing the enhancements. Thanks to well-calculated estimates by our experts at this stage, we were able to pick the required workforce, technology, and infrastructure properly.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Identifying potential risks or challenges, such as technology limitations, compatibility issues, or integration problems, and creating strategies to mitigate them.
  • Prototyping and Proof of Concept: Creating prototypes or proof of concept (PoC) to validate the proposed enhancements. This phase helped us visualize the changes and gather the project feedback during the implementation process.

To implement the client’s requirements efficiently and develop new software functionality for marketing analytics from scratch, Mbicycle has compiled the most relevant team of the following qualified experts:

  • Tech lead
  • Project manager
  • Business analyst
  • 2 Frontend developers
  • 2 Backend developers
  • 2 QA engineers

The project team followed Scrum as the main development methodology. We divided the entire scope of work into 2-week sprints. At the end of each sprint, the project manager from Mbicycle organized a meeting between the client and the project team to discuss features already implemented and planned. We also conducted a demo for the client once a month or sooner depending on the task implementation progress.


Marketing analytics software that leverages possibilities of Artificial Intelligence to gather precise data about customers plays a crucial role in modern marketing strategies. With this in mind, our team designed the proper software AI-based ecosystem to collect data via QR codes and NFC tags about various buyers’ characteristics. Thus, when customers interact with QR codes or tags through their smartphones and other devices, our software captures information related to the interaction. To get the most out of this marketing analytics solution for the client, we equipped their software with the following features:

  • Customer Profiling: It analyzes the collected data to create detailed customer profiles. These profiles include information such as customer demographics, behavior, preferences, and the frequency of interactions. This allows businesses to better understand their audience.
  • Behavior Tracking: The software tracks customer behavior in real-time. It records actions such as website visits, product scans, or location check-ins. This helps businesses identify patterns and trends in customer engagement.
  • AI Data Processing: After collecting data, our software uses AI algorithms to process it for actionable insights. It can identify which marketing campaigns or touchpoints are most effective in driving customer engagement and conversions.
  • Segmentation: Users of our software may segment customers into groups based on various criteria, such as demographics, purchase history, or behavior. These segments can help in creating targeted marketing campaigns later.
  • Personalization: With the insights gained, the software enables businesses to personalize marketing messages and offers. This personalization increases the relevance of marketing content, which can lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Reporting and Visualization: One of the key functions of this software is to generate reports and visualizations displayed in the specific administration panel. It creates graphs, charts, and dashboards to represent data in a comprehensible manner. This makes it easier for marketers to interpret the information and make informed decisions.
  • Campaign Optimization: Our marketing analytics software helps businesses optimize their marketing campaigns. It provides recommendations on which campaigns to continue, modify, or terminate based on performance data.
  • ROI Measurement: By tracking customer interactions and conversions, businesses can measure the return on investment (ROI) for their marketing efforts using our app functionality. This is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

As a solution for this project, our experts improved the client’s marketing analytics software with AI-powered features that utilize QR codes and NFC tags, providing users with a powerful tool for gathering, processing, analyzing, and visualizing customer data. It empowers businesses to make data-driven marketing decisions, improve customer engagement, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

Technologies & Tools







Third-party library APIs

PostgreSQL, Hibernate, GPT-4, Llama, AWS, Docker, Jenkins, REST API, Google Analytics API


We managed to implement from scratch all the required functionality to improve the client’s marketing analytical platform with the latest AI technologies. It required our team about five months of close-knit cooperation with the client to implement their requirements properly. We also conducted an effective Discovery Phase for this project to ensure a clear roadmap and a well-calculated estimation.

At the moment, we have completed enhancing the client’s current app with data-gathering AI features based on QR codes and NFC tags and conducted a demo for the client with all the initially stated functionality. The client was completely satisfied with the results of our work and has already asked our team to evaluate the second phase of the project, which will include improving and expanding the functionality of the current service.

We understand that continuous innovation and processing user feedback are essential to maintaining a competitive edge in the marketing analytics market. Along with our client, we will be working on regularly updating and enhancing implemented AI features based on user needs and industry trends to stay ahead of the competition.